Reading comprehension is the target goal for reading. For reading comprehension to take place, students need to learn and apply the other foundational components of reading (phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency). Feel free to read about the other components in my previous blog posts. Reading comprehension is the ability of a person to read something and understand the meaning of what was read. This can be a difficult task for students with underlying disabilities and for those who haven't been taught explicitly how to read for understanding. To learn more about how to teach reading comprehension, read my previous blog post on the fourth component of reading.
Building one's vocabulary is a key part of a reading comprehension curriculum. Some students have a hard time accessing the general education curriculum because they don't have background knowledge or references to the vocabulary provided in the textbook. Depending on the culture of the student, some words may not be used while at home. Parents and educators need to expose students to multiple genres of books in early childhood development so students can enhance their vocabulary development.
All of the resources provided are from the Cox Campus website. I use these resources to drive some of my instruction. They also have great instructional courses on the Cox Campus website if you want to learn more about reading.
Reading Comprehension